This is fantastic. Thanks for taking the time to write these! I am not involved in Basketball, but I find lots of intriguing ideas and concepts that find helpful for studying my own sport.
My pleasure! Definitely helpful. In this and other pieces you have written, the language is very clear, which makes it easy to see what concepts you find valuable in the athletes you study and coach. The clear language also makes it easier to sort out what ideas are basketball specific and which apply more broadly to other sports.
This is fantastic. Thanks for taking the time to write these! I am not involved in Basketball, but I find lots of intriguing ideas and concepts that find helpful for studying my own sport.
Josh, thanks for this comment.
I'm happy you enjoyed the piece, and I hope it is a helpful resource for ideas or concepts in jujutsu.
My pleasure! Definitely helpful. In this and other pieces you have written, the language is very clear, which makes it easy to see what concepts you find valuable in the athletes you study and coach. The clear language also makes it easier to sort out what ideas are basketball specific and which apply more broadly to other sports.
This is awesome